The IT industry is broken.
Charging an hourly rate to fix broken computers puts the incentive in the wrong place; your IT service provider only gets paid when things go badly. When your computer breaks, you call a computer repair technician who charges you an hourly rate to fix the problem. Assuming $100/hr, fixing your computer will cost between $100 and $500 or more, plus lost time.
This unfortunate reality means that you will put off picking up the phone as long as possible to avoid expensive repairs and will often put up with minor annoyances. Ultimately this behaviour compounds the problem, causing that repair job to cost much more and to suffer even more down-time.
At Gembadesk we take a completely different approach to IT support. We charge a flat monthly fee which covers ALL IT-related repairs, service and advice for your users. If a user calls 30 times or 1, it’s the same cost to you. We then apply Lean principles of continuous improvement to your organization’s Information Systems in order to reduce overall call volume and down-time, establishing a win-win partnership.
We are shaking up the IT industry and we’d love for you to join us.