Every Business Needs IT Support
Information technology systems are ubiquitous; no small business operates without some dependency on technology. The skill set required to stay knowledgeable enough to support and advise on technology decisions requires years of dedication and education. It also requires constant attention, since the technology available to consumers is ever-changing.
Without proper maintenance, IT systems will fail. And, when they fail, your company will lose money. When your WiFi network fails, you can’t send a proposal and your customer contacts your competitor instead.
An Innovative Approach
We have developed a scalable model that allows us to work with you to get out of crisis mode and manage your IT infrastructure properly.
Maintenance vs Emergencies
Everybody understands that living a healthy lifestyle is better than taking a trip to the emergency room. The same concept applies to your Information Technology systems. A properly maintained IT system will break down less, resulting in less costly down time.
First Impressions Matter
“You only have one chance to make a first impression.”
Opportunity Costs: You only have one chance to make a first impression, and you only get one reputation.
Your Data is Precious
Fact: There is no such thing as a healthy hard drive; they are all failing. Yet, we encounter countless companies who have not even considered the implications of losing their companies or, even worse, their clients’ data. Gembadesk has developed a system to back up all of your data, AES encrypted, into the cloud.
Ingrained Security
Modern-day hackers are relentless and sophisticated. That’s why all of our services are designed with information security in mind, so you can rest easy knowing that your services and data are secure from threats. Our subscription-based service includes a next-generation firewall and advanced network threat management device that scans network traffic, preventing viruses and other malicious attacks before they even reach your users.
Experts Required
Good system administrators are expensive. According to 2014 data, an entry level IT support technician salaries start at $60,000. And that’s just entry level; companies can expect to pay over $80,000 for an experienced system administrator, or $100,000 and up for a CIO. This is obviously outside the budget of most small businesses, so they turn to Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to manage their IT infrastructure, paying anywhere from $80-$200/hour for the service. Unfortunately, this arrangement puts the incentive in the wrong place; the customer avoids calling because they want to avoid incurring costs and the provider hopes things break so they can get paid. The end result is that 90% of all business never leave crisis mode, it’s just a never-ending cycle of brokenness.